Friday, March 20, 2009

Some pictures in Taipei

Below are some pictures of our last couple weeks in Taiwan!

Pastor Joanna, Claire, and Brotha Joseph took us to the Palace Museum showing much of the Taiwanese history and artifacts brought over from mainland China.

Here is the Antioch Baptist Church- wonderful people and great friends!

Henning (From Germany), Jameni (Taiwanese), and Bynum (From Alaska) with Jason and myself at the beach! This is where Jason almost lost all of his toes on the razor shells.

This is me speaking on Sunday morning at the Antioch Baptist Church with Claire, the interpreting master, translating the message.

Jason and I on top (as far up as one can go) of the 101 Building- the tallest completed building in the world.

Outing with young people of ABC to wildlife and nature park.

The "Makeup" Small Group Jason and I spent time with.

Elaine took us to the beautiful Yangming mountains with some friends from school.  Fountains, waterfalls, and flowers filled the paths we walked through.

Thank you to everyone in Taipei for a wonderful month!  We miss you all- til next time!


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