Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update from India!


Our last week in Indonesia was spent in the capital city of Jakarta. This visit was definitely a highlight of the trip for Jason and I. The friendships we made, the family of God we were able to be a part of, and the different culture seen gave our month in Indonesia a great finish.

From Steven, his roomates, the Legacy small group, and church friends to our friends at the orphanage, the guys at the catering business, and all in the Rock ministry- everyone quickly became dear friends and we instantly connected with our family in Jakarta. As far as what we did in Jakarta goes, we played American football and shared testimonies at an orphanage, we shared some testimonies at churches, spoke at a small group and catering business, and spoke at a worship night led by Irwan. As meaningful as speaking and "doing ministry" was, the people we were with, quickly became the heart of our stay for the week.

We were taken care of like family from day one of arriving. After just a couple days of living with these guys, Jason and I started wondering when the next time we would return to Jakarta would be. As far as ministry goes, Jason and I have a heart for connecting with people- really opening up and sharing the truth about our lives, what we're going through, and everything God is doing. That's what happened for the week. As the guys would ask us questions about our lives and the ministry we've been doing- we were really able to process everything God, in fact, had been doing in our lives. So I want to give a special thanks to Steven, Mike, Irwan, and Danar. Thanks guys, you and our other brothers in Indonesia will never be forgotten- thanks for everything.


As new and different as all the cultures have been so far on this trip, none have been as new and different as India. The food, marriages, music, clothing, caste system, religion, weather, relationships, and traffic are a couple of the adjustments in culture we've been a part of so far this month. As far as my travels go, India is the least "western-influenced" culture I've ever been in. Here is a rundown of what this month has been like thus far.

We've been involved with Rev. Dr. John Arul and the ministries he's apart of here in southern India. This has led us from Madurai, our main living quarters, to the mountains of Ooty- home of monkeys, elephants, and tigers. "Dr. J" has been very instrumental in starting churches all over the southern part of this country. He does a lot of traveling, corresponding with local ministries, and preaching throughout the week. We've gone on three mini trips to other parts of the region so far, along with our brothers (tambi) and sisters (tangachi) in India. Here are four highlights from our stay so far.

Orphanage 8 hours north:
Sadly, we are not sure of the names of all the places we've gone, so please excuse the titles of these sections. We spent 2 days with the great kids at an orphanage in the area. Games, stories, fun at the beach- all things Jason and I enjoy doing anyway. We took walks around the area, as the kids walked barefoot beside us. The area we were in is a very popular Catholic, Indian area. People would travel for hours to spend one day of "pilgrimage" there. A common practice of worship was for men and women to shave their heads and burn their hair as sacrifices to Mary. Jason and I didn't get around to participating in this ritual, but simply observed the practices of the people there.

Mountain area near city of Ooty:
Jason and I agree this was one of the most beautiful places we've been to. Mountians filled with tea bushes, "redefining the color green" as Jason put it. We hiked about 3 hours down a mountain where no car could go, to get to a mountain village church. We stayed there for the day- cut down jackfruit from trees, bathed in an area of giant rocks, walked as monkeys threw little twigs and flower buds at us, and had a communion service at night. The following morning we hiked down again to another village 3 hours away. During that hike, we had to all walk quietly for the area had many elephants around (elephants there don't smile and eat peanuts as in the zoos in the states, they're more of the giant dangerous animal you stay away from in India). Thankfully, we didn't run into any elephants but rather just avoided many droppings and saw hundreds of bamboo trees knocked down by their earlier visits. We bathed in a river once we reached the bottom and headed back to Madurai.

This has been our central base of operation. The schedule tends to be quite surprising and unknown many times, but we're learning to trust and follow where He leads. In Madurai, Jason and I have spoken and assisted at Vacation Bible Schools around the area, spoke in churches, and made many friends at an orphanage. Even though our month has had it's share of unique experiences and different ministries, Jason and I both feel the focus of ministry for this month is us. The Lord has been really stretching and shaping us- strengthening our relationship with Him everyday. Our relationships with Him growing has been the best part of the entire trip by far.

Money? :
So through a little miscommunication and some misunderstanding, we found out when we got here, that the church expected Jason and I to pay $15 each per day during our month's stay... in May. I have to admit, I did have a time of very unique prayer with the Lord asking, "What do we do?!" How I look back now and smile, knowing how faithful He is. It's still His trip. I phoned my mother on Mother's Day, and chatted for a little, then dropped the news that the church is expecting $900 by the end of the month, and we simply do not have the money... My parents were walking into church and my dad said he'd say something to the church... to make a long story short, we were so blessed by our church family back home- three churches took offerings and within a couple days, and we had nearly double what was needed come in. As I heard more and more news of the Lord providing, I had to smile, look to the Lord, and say, "Wow. I don't think 'thank you' covers it, Lord." Just another "His trip" experience with some new understandings of trust.

I do want to apologize because we are not able to post pictures with the internet connection available here. We will have posts once we get home of pictures from Indonesia and India.

Thank you again to everyone for your prayers and the recent financial support. If the Lord ever puts it on your heart to send us any encouragement or letters, our email is and if anyone feels led to give and help with the continuing of the Lord's ministry with Serve the World, all support can be sent to:

Serve the World
PO Box 305
Lumberton, NJ

Jesus bless you all. Please pray we are able to finish this month and trip strong. With just over a week left, we often think of home, but know we still have a final exciting week ahead. Jason and I have been forever changed and are so blessed for what the Lord has done through us. Thank you all for being a part of this. We love you all.
